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Mira.  Piensa.  Se Humano.

"El problema con el mundo es que las personas inteligentes están llenas de dudas, mientras los estúpidos están llenos de confianza"
Charles Bukowski

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But what is Hit Up?

Nice question...

We are Hit Up, You are Hit Up (if you want)
Hit Up is a
feeling, the one everyone feel when they want to change something...
Everytime you think "this must be told" or "everyone should know it".
All this feelings become thoughts, then ideas and, when they're ready to hit the people's minds and souls, they become
Public Information.
The problem is that many of the information you can find over the internet are filtrated, censored, vicious propaganda and shaped to build a
unique line of thinking inside people's mind...

That's why we want to bring to you what the History taught to us:
there's nothing purely true.
Only if you know each part and each version of the story you can understand what get closer than anything else at the truth.

Hit Up the World with us!

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